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Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunnats of what to wear and what not to

Nowadays, the Muslim youths are obsessed with what they wear. It has to be some designer label. Commercialism is just as much a part of the Muslim's life as it is in everyone elses. Wearing a Kurta or Jubbah is not seen as suitable attire. Amamahs are almost non-existent; all you see are caps, bandanas and the like.

But this was not always the case.

The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him would always wear a Kurta or a Jubbah. The sleeves would not be overly narrow nor wide; they would reach his wrists.

He would wear a lungi. Under the Kurta the front of the lungi would be slightly below the navel and the back slightly higher up. The Sahabas were always properly clothed.

The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him would also wear a cloth over his shoulders, 9ft long and 5ft wide which he would sometimes wear over his left shoulder and under his right arm.

He would only keep the clothes he wore; he never kept any unused clothes lying around.

The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him disliked the wearing of red garments (for men), and preferred to wear white clothes. Sometimes he would wear green (his favourite colour).

He would also wear an Amamah upon his brow, letting the back of it hang between the shoulder blades.

The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him would also wear shoes similar to sandals, and a ring of silver facing inwards on the little finger of his left or right hand.
Hazrat Shaykh Zakariyya (nawwarullahe markadahu) includes in his commentary of The Mubarak Ring of Rasulullah (peace and blessings be upon him) in Shamaile-Tirmidhi that the research of the Hanafi 'ulama (may Allah Increase their number and accept their efforts) in this matter, according to the saying of 'Shaami' is, that it is sunnah for the kings, judges, trustees and those who need a seal. Besides them it is permissible for others, but better not to use it.

These were the Sunnahs of our Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him. So why do we not follow them?

May Allah Taa'la grant us the guidance, wisdom and ability to follow the Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him's example and act upon what he has showed us and what he has told us. Ameen. Detailed information is included in Shamaile-Tirmidhi

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